Ban List/Format Announcements
This is why we can't have nice things
As this is a new format that only includes commons and one legendary equipment, there is no ban list (outside of cards currently banned for offensive language, racist imagery, or otherwise fail to meet Magic community standards). However all cards must follow the legality of use set in traditional Commander/EDH. A ban list may occur as the format becomes popular enough to require review.
Announcement Jan. 05, 2025 - Pendragon Format Legality & Banlist Update
With a unanimous vote, the Rules Round Table (RRT) has elected to expand of the format to allow all cards downshifted to common in MTG Arena excluding rebalanced & Alchemy/digital only cards.
This change brings approximately 52 new cards to the format.
Several factors motivated this change:
1. Streamlining deckbuilding by reducing the need for complex Scryfall and Moxfield searches.
2. Providing variety to include more potential commanders & card mechanics
3. Continued opportunities for format balancing
It is important to note that this change moves our format further away from similar pauper formats. We suggest instead you tailor your searches to commons legal in commander. An easy fix is to add rarity:c or r:c to your Scryfall and/or Moxfield results.
Use this link to view many of the cards provided by this expansion.
Announcement Aug. 05, 2024 - Pendragon Format Legality & Banlist Update
With a unanimous vote, the Rules Round Table (RRT) has elected all cards downshifted to common on the MTGO platform shall now considered legal in PendragonMTG.
Announcement Jun. 24, 2024 - Pendragon Format Legality & Banlist Update
This is more of a clarification to the PendragonMTG Banlist, to ensure transparency and to avoid confusion, rather than an actual change.
The basic rule stands that any commons legal in traditional EDH/Commander are also legal in the PendragonMTG format. Any common deemed not legal in traditional EDH/Commander is also considered not legal in PendragonMTG (i.e. silver bordered cards, cards bearing the acorn stamp, conspiracies, etc.)
PendragonMTG also adopts WoTC's stance on any cards banned from all formats based on offensive language, racist imagery, or otherwise fail to meet the Magic community standards.
Announcement Jun. 17, 2024 - Pendragon RRT Vote on Starting Life Total
With a 5 to 2 decision the Rules Round Table (RRT) has chosen to keep the starting life total for PendragonMTG at 30.
Announcement Feb. 16, 2024 - Elbrus, the Binding Blade Legal Excalibur
With a 4 to 2 to decision the Rules Round Table (RRT) has chosen to allow Elbrus, the Binding Blade as a legal Excalibur. If the criteria have been met, Elbrus, the Binding Blade may legally transform into Withengar Unbound.